all postcodes in YO26 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO26 8AA 0 54.005546 -1.301743
YO26 8AB 0 54.005672 -1.303328
YO26 8AD 1 54.006328 -1.303347
YO26 8AE 2 54.006732 -1.303295
YO26 8AF 0 54.015357 -1.305745
YO26 8AG 1 54.013069 -1.31786
YO26 8AH 0 54.011523 -1.320702
YO26 8AJ 0 54.012194 -1.32176
YO26 8AL 2 54.013777 -1.320238
YO26 8AN 0 54.013941 -1.31903
YO26 8AP 0 54.017306 -1.324827
YO26 8AQ 1 54.013315 -1.317987
YO26 8AR 30 0 54.017262 -1.326256
YO26 8AS 37 0 54.016323 -1.327141
YO26 8AT 9 0 54.015803 -1.328935
YO26 8AU 2 0 54.0262 -1.337002
YO26 8AW 45 0 54.014413 -1.323051
YO26 8AX 2 0 54.024598 -1.348216
YO26 8AY 2 0 54.0254 -1.322467
YO26 8AZ 3 0 54.029216 -1.310384